Together for a new forest!
10,000 people for 10,000 trees. Join Resolution Earth!
In the first two weeks of the campaign, we reached 10,000 trees, and with one click you too can be part of the Earth Resolution! Stone by stone - palace, tree by tree - new forest!
Together for a new forest
Did you know that a mature tree annually produces as much as 450 liters of water, of which up to 90% evaporates through the pores of the leaves. In addition to cooling the tree and other organisms around it, it is interesting to note that one tree has the effect of as many as 10 air conditioners.
The benefits of forests are numerous, and in order to secure the future for ourselves and the generations that come after us, it is the right time for you to become part of positive changes, because they are only a click away.
Fill out a simple form on the website, and we will plant a tree. You will then receive a document by email confirming where the tree was planted. In the first two weeks of the campaign, we reached 10,000 trees, and now it's time for our typical forest to become even bigger!
Plant your tree - click on the link:
One-click is enough to create a new forest together!
A click is enough to create a new forest together.
One click is enough to create a new forest together. Join Resolution Earth!
After a series of activities with which we raise awareness of environmental protection and preservation, the first place at the INMA Global Media Awards followed, and below, read how you too can become part of the Earth Resolution project.
Stone by stone - palace, tree by tree - new forest!
What would the situation be like if every resident planted at least one tree every year and how would that affect the climate? If every individual (there are currently almost 8 billion people living on Earth) planted one tree in the next 20 years, that would be approximately 160 billion new ones.
Without a doubt, planting trees is one of the solutions when it comes to climate change, and planting a tree is a simple way that all of us as individuals can influence the preservation of the environment. Now it only takes one click to become part of the Resolution. Stone by stone - palace, tree by tree - new forest! How?
Photo: Marin Tironi/PIXSELL
There are small steps we can take for a better tomorrow, and this commendable action in cooperation with Croatian Forests is one of them.
On the web page, enter your name, surname and e-mail, and we will plant one tree for everyone who fills out the form. After you have successfully filled out the form, you will receive a confirmation email and a link with the location where your tree will be planted.
Join the Earth Resolution and become part of the changes so that our Earth is at least a little cleaner, more beautiful and greener!
One click is enough to create a new forest together!

Resolution Zemlja won the prestigious media Oscar
In just one year, the Earth Resolution project achieved great results: we organized several educational workshops for young people on climate change and environmental protection, as well as three conferences, one of which was international, several round tables, but also the largest environmental clean-up actions in which this year, 18,240 volunteers gathered, and 750 tons of waste were collected.
We rolled up our sleeves to leave this only home that humanity has, at least a little cleaner and nicer for our children, grandchildren, neighbors, friends... As the crowning glory of our work, we received an award, the highest possible international recognition – the INMA Global Media Award, i.e. the so-called media Oscar in the category of the best socially responsible projects organized by the media.
Read more about the award at the link.
Be a part of the ''Resolution Earth'' project!
In the campaign "Be a part of the Resolution Earth", Večernji List will, in cooperation with Croatian forests, plant one tree for everyone who signs the Resolution, announced the director of Večernji List, Renato Ivanuš.
The project Resolution Earth(Rezolucija Zemlja) by Večernji List, launched last year, already in its first year became the largest ecological project in the history of Croatia. So far, more than 9,000 volunteers have participated in it, more than 120 tons of waste were collected in 50 clean-up operations, several educational workshops for young people on climate change and environmental protection were organized, as well as two conferences, one of which was international.
All of this would not have been possible without the project's partners, associations, and friends, who were presented with special certificates of thanks today in the Revival Hall of the Palace of the People's House HAZU in Zagreb's Upper Town for their contribution to the preservation of the planet. It was also an opportunity for the director of the Večernji List, Renato Ivanuš, who is also the initiator of the project, to announce that Resolution Zemlja is moving from a project to a movement!
We are extremely proud to be participating in such a large, and above all noble, ecological project with the aim of preserving the environment! In front of White Shark, CEO Stjepan Šmit received a certificate of appreciation.
Media Oscar for Večenji list!
Resolution Zemlja was declared the best project in the world in the category of the best socially responsible projects organized by the media.
Resolution Zemlja, a project of the Večernji list that came to life at the beginning of last year and soon became the largest ecological project in the history of Croatia, received enormous, we can say the greatest possible international recognition after it won the so-called media Oscar known as INMA Global Media Awards.
In particular, Resolution Zemlja was declared, according to a strict international jury, the best project in the world in the category of the best socially responsible projects organized by the media. We fought side by side with giants like The New York Times, Der Spiegel, Guardian... and won! There were as many as 775 projects from 239 prestigious media companies from 40 different countries in the competition, making Večernjak's success even greater.
- When I started designing this project at the end of 2021, however arrogant it may sound, I had no doubts about its success. And I had no doubts solely because I knew that there were people in Croatia who would support such an ecologically and socially responsible project, so failure was never an option in principle. However, at that time it never crossed my mind to think that we would reach such a high level on the international media scene so quickly, after only the first year of active implementation of the project. The biggest possible award was given to us by INMA itself, a large global organization that brings together all the important and significant world news media - said the director of Večernji list and founder of Resolution Zemlja, Renato Ivanuš, after the award. Dražen Klarić, editor-in-chief and member of the board of "Večernjak" pointed out that the award is important because of the continuity of work within Večernji list and the transformation that Večernji list has undergone as a media.
- The Earth Resolution is a project that encourages us all to be responsible towards the Earth, towards the place we live in and towards society itself. This is exactly what the jury recognized when evaluating the Resolution, because we could not implement this project without living it ourselves and believing in the postulates of sustainable development and social responsibility. The media must be socially responsible, whether it writes about politics, economy, showbiz, sports, everything, because essentially the media must promote correct values, without being exclusive at the same time. You should always be ready for dialogue, even with those who think differently. It is up to us to be considerate, but at the same time very agile in presenting facts and true stories, so as to somehow encourage those who do not think that the sustainability of the planet is at stake to take the next step, either in the direction of confirming or denying their belief . This is exactly what we have done in the last 5-6 years through our transformation, starting Večernji TV, producing video content, documentaries, special magazines, redesigning and raising the portal, introducing premium content... All of this was new and difficult, often encountered to resistances. But that's the only way it's possible for Večernjak to be stable, strong, and powerful today as well as yesterday and tomorrow - explained Dražen Klarić.
When we talk about the Earth Resolution itself, so that everything does not remain just words, these are also some of the very specific figures when it comes to the project, with the fact that we must note that so much happens almost every day that some of the figures written today are probably more it won't be valid tomorrow. More than 18,200 volunteers participated in the Earth Resolution project, 381 tons of waste were collected in 150 cleaning actions, the project brought together more than 35 associations that care about ecology and sustainability, and as many partners who decided to support the idea of preserving our planet. Through the media and social networks, the Resolution reached almost half a million unique users on digital platforms, which is not surprising considering over 250 pages of printed content related to environmental topics, just like hundreds of articles published on the Internet portal Večernji list and, for example, over 2.5 million views on Tik-Tok alone.